The statement is signed by H.H. Patriarch John X., Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and the entire East, Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and the entire East, and Joseph Absi, Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem.
According to Patriarchs, the airstrikes are a "brutal aggression" and "a clear violation of the international laws and the UN Charter," and the assault on a sovereign country which member of the UN has been unjustified. The statement also says that this aggression would "destroy the chances for a peaceful political solution and lead to escalation and more complications, while encouraging terrorist organizations and giving them momentum to continue in their terrorism."
The statement also criticized the timing of the airstrike, which undemined the start of an investigation by the independent International Commission for Inquiry.
The Patriarchs state that this assault on the country causes them great pain as it comes "from powerful countries to which Syria did not cause any harm in any way."
The Patriarchs call upon "the Security Council of the United Nations to play its natural role in bringing peace rather than contribute to escalation of wars." The extend their call to "all churches in the countries that participated in the aggression, to fulfill their Christian duties, according to the teachings of the Gospel, and condemn this aggression and to call their governments to commit to the protection of international peace."
The Patriarchs conclude their statement with "prayers for the safety, victory, and deliverance of Syria from all kinds of wars and terrorism" extending their prayers for peace also to the world. They call for "strengthening the efforts of the national reconciliation for the sake of protecting the country and preserving the dignity of all Syrians."
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