The mountaineous area known in Assyrian as Turo d'Izlo stretches along the Turkish-Syrian border in the south eastern part of the country. It is the last remaining area in Turkish Assyria which is inhabited exclusively by Assyrians. Many see the move by Kurds in the area as first step of Kurdification.
"There are many other sites that could have been chosen," said a resident of a nearby town, who wished to remain anonymous. "They find an excuse to get a foothold and then they slowly drive out Assyrians in order to have a Kurdish majority. They won't rest until they Kurdify every village and town to claim it."
The cemetery is dedicated to PKK members who were killed fighting the Turkish army in the area a few years ago. Much of the south east is run by Kurds and they form the majority in municipality councils, giving them sway over local politics and decision making.
"We will do whatever we can to remove the structures they have placed there," said the resident, "the community is aware this is being done with the intent of driving us out."
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