Amman, Jordan (AINA) -- Every Sunday the Church of Our Lady of Nazareth is full of the faithful from Jordan and from Iraq -- including a large number of Iraqi Christians refugees. The priest of the church, Father Khalil, prepares packs of rice, flour, oil, macaroni and other items every week to distribute to the poor and needy, especially Iraqi Assyrian refugees. No one is denied aid. Anyone who needs help can visit father Khalil and with the document from UNHCR receive this food pack.

When I visited father Khalil two days ago, he showed me the special room near the church where refugees come to receive the food packs. Many Jordanian Christians and Iraqi Christians, who are in good economic condition, are supporting the refugees from Iraq.

This summer a group of Iraqi children was brought to Spain by a Spanish organization for medical care.
In Amman I met one of the volunteers, Firas, who like many others refugees left Iraq and now lives in Jordan. Firas is very educated, with an M.A. in English and a B.A. in Law. He joined the UN World Food Program and now works for charity organizations inside and outside Iraq. He is helping me to prepare the Polish aid project for Iraqi Christians (AINA 8-13-2009).
By Anna Walczyk
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