KHA-B'NISSAN BRIKHA Highly Advanced Administrative Institutions, preventing 'Megalomania', 'Egoism', 'Aging' and Indoctrinating 'Solidarity' The Major Goals of KHA-B'NISSAN, New Year Festival Assyrian New Year Festival was developed as one of the fundamental institutions used for indoctrination, overhaul and stimulation of individuals in any position and public organizations in any level to fulfill freshly the tasks of the next year. These objectives were achieved through performance of detailed and precisely planned and scheduled ceremonies and processions. These were carried out during day and night for twelve days of festival period. To give impact for the whole institutions, the celebration started from the spring equinox, the time at which the resurrection of nature is highly motivating. By elaborate ideologies the indoctrination processes were linked with renewal of nature. Thus whole empire functions were revived and given momentum for another year's strive and thus the process of aging would be slowed down. The king of the Assyrian empire, who was practically the master of the civilized world of the time, was vulnerable to develop the megalomania disease. To prevent this and save the empire from its consequences, the king in the second day of the festival, was stripped of his outfits and insignias. He would kneel before the chief priest, confess to his carelessness, if any, would be slapped to recall any negligence committed in the past year, pledging strict care for the coming year. Thereafter the kingship would be invested in him for another year's term. The vast empire territory and the magnificence of empire power was very tempting to spark egoism and revolt against the central power. To prevent this and to keep motivated, in order of merits, the most competent officer and governor would be chosen man of the year, called 'LIMMU'. The king in the first year of kingship and TURTANU - commander in chief - in the second year of kingship would be automatically honored LIMMU. Instead of the numeral year, his name would be used in every day life and in documents. The LIMMU would also be the master of ceremonies of the new year festival for that particular year. The documentary list of limmus resulting from this institution, in which for each limmu the historical events are registered constitutes the invaluable historical documents dating exactly the events for each year. Indoctrination of empire people for the creation of sole Assyrian national identity, consistency and solidarity in basic matters such as cosmogony, civil law and order, other features were carried out in elaborated and precise rituals during Kha-B'Nissan Assyrian New Year Festival. In cosmogony doctrine, the matter was eternal with no beginning and no later destruction. The life was originated from mingling of APSU - sweet water - with TIAMAT -salty water -, closely related to present scientific theories. In civil law, the weak were protected. In the proemium to the Code of Hammurabi, 1792 B.C., we read: 'at that time Anu and Bell (the Gods) called me, Hammurabi the exulted prince, who fears the Gods to make righteousness to prevail in the land to destroy the wicked and evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak'. This is in contrast with the civil law foundation of present advanced nations, which is based on 'awareness of customer', where the judge in court is not concerned with 'adequacy of consideration'. If the Assyrian Empire was not destroyed in 605 B.C. by the allies of the nomad Medes, who building in number force for a thousand years, from the west, the Cythian hordes from the north and the sister province of Babylon from the south, or if in the twenty five centuries since the fall of the Assyrian Empire, Megalomania, over-egoism of sovereigns, aging of flourishing civilizations had been prevented, wouldn't by now mankind have conquered the other solar systems? As conventional function of Kha-B'Nissan festival, Assyrians do renew their pledge to strive for the establishment of a national competent organization to help each Assyrian to secure the best education, the best income and national proud identity.